Beer Brite finings are a very powerful form of dry isinglass finings. Isinglass is one of the main fining agents for clearing beer in the world and is used by virtually all breweries. The main problem with isinglass is that it needs to be kept constantly cool otherwise the product denatures and will not work. To overcome this, we have freeze-dried the isinglass at the point of making it up. Being a freeze-dried product, it can be stored at virtually any temperature without it losing any of its characteristics. Also, the free-drying extends the life of the finings considerably.
All that is needed to prepare the Beer Brite is to mix it in half cup of cold water, mixing with a fork for at least 1 minute, then leave this for 15 minutes to absorb the water. Then, give another mix for at least 1 minute and the finings are ready to use. This has the benefit of producing the finings with 100% activity, so you are using a more powerful and stronger finings. This results in clear beer quickly with a more compact sediment.
Sufficient to clear up to three 5 gallon brews.